Toothache has always been a pain that you don’t want to face, especially when visiting a dentist is not possible due to your remote place or location or when you are in an emergency situation. A quick home remedy for your toothache may help you out in relieving tooth pain. However, these home remedies usually act as temporary pain relievers and may not work in some pains in teeth due to different causes of toothache. So, you will be better off asking a dentist even with a call or if possible making an appointment to get away from toothache.

Here are 7 home remedies for your toothache

A toothache can be mild or severe and you should figure out what the root of the problem is. See your dentist in any case, and in the meantime, you can try these home options to decrease your pain.

1. Ice

Using ice packs or putting bags of ice to reduce the swelling around teeth is one helpful pain reliever. Dentists suggest using ice packs as a home remedy, especially after dental surgeries like tooth extraction when swelling happens in the gums and soft tissues.

You can use a piece of clean cloth between frozen bags or packs of ice and then place the ice for about 20 minutes. Then stop for 30 minutes and put the ice on the affected area again. Do it during the day until the numbing effect of the ice soothes your toothache.

2. Salt water rinse

Salt water rinse is a key anti-inflammatory and disinfecting agent. You can dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Then swish repeatedly several times in your mouth. Salt water can be useful in easing your toothache because of its bacteria-killing properties.

Rinsing salt water in the mouth has been prescribed by dentists after dental surgeries as a way to reduce swelling of the gums and soft tissues around teeth. Therefore, it is one safe way to try when you have toothache or pain around your teeth and in the gums.

3. Clove oil

Clove oil has chemical substances like eugenol that make clove oil an anesthetic natural remedy, which numbs the nerve of the tooth and relieves your pain.

How should you apply clove oil? The best way is to use a piece of cotton dipped in the clove oil and apply it on the tooth that is causing the pain.

Warning: Avoid using clove oil to treat children’s toothache and pregnant women shouldn’t use clove oil, too. The reasons are accidental swallowing of clove oil or it may cause burns and sensitivity if it touches the gums or soft tissues of the mouth.

4. Peppermint

Peppermint with its strong flavor not only gives a soothing feeling but can stop your toothache at least for a while. The Menthol in peppermint is a chemical substance that works like anesthetics.

Peppermint can numb the painful area of gum or teeth. Because of the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of this natural home remedy, it can be a helpful toothache painkiller. You can put peppermint tea bags right on the affected tooth or you can use it like a mouthwash.

Prepare boiling water and add the dried peppermint leaves into the hot water. Let the water be cool enough so that you can use it in your mouth. Then, swish it around in your mouth for 30 seconds to 1 minute and spit it out just like a mouthwash.

5. Garlic

Garlic is a highly advantageous natural remedy in medicine, having a numbing feature that acts as anesthetics in treating toothache. It contributes to healthier gums and mouth by eliminating bacteria and infection and reduces risks of abscess in gums and mouth.

You can chew garlic when it is fresh or cooked. But for better relieving your tooth pain, try to make a paste from the mixture of garlic and a little salt and water. First, grind the garlic cloves and then add water and salt. After that, apply that on the surface of the affected tooth. You can also use this mixture as a mouthwash rinse to clean your mouth and gums.

6. The mixture of thyme, cumin and vinegar

Thyme, like mint, is an aromatic herb with plenty of medicinal benefits. Thyme has antibacterial and disinfecting properties. Vinegar and cumin are important natural medicines, too.

If we want to use these herbs as painkillers for our toothache, we need to have a mixture of thyme, vinegar and cumin. First, our cumin should be in powder form. Also, use a grinder to crush the thyme into smaller pieces. Finally, use vinegar to mix the thyme and cumin powder. Apply this mixture to the location of your toothache.

7. Over-the-counter painkillers

You may finally ask this question “How do you stop a toothache in the fastest way possible?” or when you are in an emergency pain and all you want is just a quick remedy. Over-the-counter painkillers to relieve your toothache can be helpful, but you need to ask your dentist before using these painkiller tablets. You should first check the dosage and the safety of these painkillers.

Acetaminophen, ibuprophen, hydrocodone are some of the well-known pain relief tablets available at the drugstore.

Warning: Vulnerable groups of people like pregnant women, the elderly, and children must visit and ask the dentist before using any medications for treating their toothache.

Other toothache relief home remedies

In ancient times, Greek physicians had their way to ease the pain and lower the fever in their patients. They used the bark of willow tree and made tea with the willow tree’s bark. The magic ingredient in that tree that was acting as a pain relief was salicylic acid, which is used in making the wonder drug of the century aspirin.

Aspirin was at a time an effective pain reliever around the world and is still in use today. You see how trees, plants and herbs in our environment have been used to find ways to relieve pains whether toothache or other pains in our body.

So, your local culture and environment can sometimes provide a pain relief home remedy to ease your discomfort.

Other common home remedies for toothache are:

  • Vanilla
  • Wheatgrass
  • Hydrogen peroxide rinse
  • Guava leaves
  • Over-the-counter numbing gels

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