Author: kidodent

The jaw joint, or TMJ, is one of the most complex sets of joints in the human body. When you hear the word joint, you might first think of those in your knees, fingers, wrist, or other parts helping you with mobility. But the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in your jaw has a critical role in your life, providing complicated and necessary movements, including eating and speaking. What is TMJ? Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) or jaw joint connects your lower jaw bone (mandible) to the temporal bone of your skull. TMJs are located on each side of your head in front of…

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Jaw pain is a common issue that can be severe or mild. It can be a debilitating condition with severe forms which can affect your overall life and ability to eat and speak. Many factors can cause jaw pain, from a toothache, gum disease, or sinuses. But sometimes, jaw pain can be caused by tension in your jaw due to chronic conditions like teeth grinding or temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. It is necessary to see a doctor or dentist for diagnosis and discuss the appropriate treatments accordingly. For now, read on to learn more about the causes and get to…

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If you have been diagnosed with teeth grinding and clenching habits, otherwise called bruxism, you might need to wear a custom night guard. This is what your dentist can recommend to prevent the serious side effects of girding and clenching on your teeth and oral structures. But when it comes to a night guard, there are different options. In this article, we will talk about custom night guards, their benefits and cost, and the options you have. What is a night guard? A night guard is a type of mouthguard made and designed to be worn while you sleep to…

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You might wear a mouthguard during sleep, likely to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching, the condition called bruxism. Sometimes, night guards are also recommended for people who have sleep apnea or jaw pain disorders like TMJ. But after wearing your mouthguard, you began to realize you have trouble adjusting and how it feels in your mouth. In this article, we will provide you tips for sleeping better with your mouthguard and strategies you can try to get used to wearing them. Why wear a mouthguard at all? One of the main reasons why you may be wearing a…

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If you or your kid is about to participate in a sports activity, wearing a mouthguard is something that you shouldn’t skip. Mouthguards protect teeth from possible injuries that could break, chip, or even get the tooth knocked out during sports. These oral devices are the simplest and the most effective way you can do to protect your teeth and smile. Why should you wear a mouthguard during sports? A mouthguard absorbs and neutralizes the force of an impact to the mouth and specifically your teeth, protecting teeth from breaking and other serious dental injuries. If you hop on your…

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Wearing a night guard is a helpful solution to reduce pain and damage caused by teeth grinding while you sleep. But you may ask which night guard should I get? Over-the-counter night guards are a cheaper option available to buy either online or from your nearby drugstore, and there are custom-made night guards professionally fitted by your dentist. While the choice is yours, it is worth considering the benefits of a custom night guard in terms of how comfortable it is and fits well as well as the better protection and durability in the material. Do you need a night…

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Night guards are dental devices designed to protect teeth from the effects of teeth grinding or jaw clenching, the condition known as bruxism. But they are also a beneficial solution to improve TMJ disorders and sleep-related problems like sleep apnea or snoring. Night guards must be custom fitted if you want the best care for your teeth. However, some people may ask questions like can a night guard shift your teeth or change a bite? Read on to find out about this below. What is a night guard? A night guard, also called mouthguard or occlusal splint, is a custom-fitted…

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A mouthguard, also called night guard, is a dental device to protect your teeth from injuries during sports or from teeth grinding while sleeping. But you might also wear a mouthguard to treat your temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), sleep apnea, or snoring. As for any dental tools, it is important to keep your mouthguard clean. Without regular cleaning, the bacteria in your mouth can grow and multiply on the mouthguard, causing infection, bad breath, and gum disease. Learn how to clean your mouthguard to ensure it is free of food debris and bacteria so that it works properly and prevents…

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Mouthguards help protect your teeth from grinding or clenching during sleep, the condition known as bruxism. They help reduce sleep-related conditions like snoring and sleep apnea. They are also widely used devices to protect the mouth and teeth while playing sports. You can get your mouthguard at a local drugstore or custom-made by a dentist. Why do you need a mouthguard? Mouthguards, also called night guard, are dental appliances that are worn over your teeth to protect teeth, gums, cheeks, jaw, and mouth against injuries and trauma. Children as well as adults can benefit from them. Made of soft materials,…

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The cause of bruxism (teeth grinding) is often not clear. It can be related to stress, sleep disorders, malocclusion (e.g., abnormal bite), neuromuscular disorders, or a response to emotional distress. If you grind or clench your teeth, it is important to seek treatment either from your dentist or doctor to stop it. Putting an end to teeth grinding can alleviate your pain and prevent your teeth from further damage. So, you have your teeth, your smile, and oral health preserved above all. Read the article to learn about the ways you can do to stop grinding your teeth. What are…

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