What is teeth reshaping?
Teeth reshaping or cosmetic contouring is the procedure to reshape, polish and sculpt malposed, irregular, chipped and overlapped teeth into an aligned and well-shaped form.
With cosmetic contouring, the straighter teeth are brought to your smile and your teeth will be much more attractive. The cosmetic enhancement and transformation by teeth reshaping is sometimes beyond your imagination. The reason is because most people don’t usually expect that teeth reshaping can bring that much change to their teeth and smile in a simple, inexpensive and one-session procedure like cosmetic contouring.
The cosmetic dentist smoothes out any sharp angles and edges to shape and straighten the teeth to offer you harmonious and soft looking teeth. Cosmetic dentists contours the rough and overlapped teeth with special sanding disk and diamond burs , which you might have seen as part of dental polishing stage in most tooth restorations.
Orthodontics, dental veneers, dental bonding with composite resin and crowning teeth are all established and principle ways to achieve beautiful smile. But when time and money doesn’t allow you to try them, you may be thinking of a cheaper, quick and painless way to try and fix your irregular chipped and protruded teeth. You want teeth reshaping because you want to change the less attractive teeth that have been destroying your look and self-confidence.
If you are looking for an affordable and painless way to have cosmetic teeth, teeth reshaping is a great option. Reshaping teeth through cosmetic contouring is safe and there is no need for anesthetic or numbing agents.

Pros and cons of teeth reshaping (cosmetic contouring):
Knowing the pros and cons of teeth reshaping can make you aware of this amazing cosmetic procedure.
How do dentist reshape my teeth with cosmetic contouring?
At first, your dentist scans and takes necessary images of all parts of your teeth form different angles and positions. Even they may take a few shots for before and after comparison images for you to know about the changes in your smile and appearance.
For knowing your occlusion (when mouth is closed and teeth rest on each other) of teeth, dentists use articulating paper. Because of that, not too much of enamel is carved and they prevent any excessive carving and damages to teeth. Your dentist may need to take impression of your teeth, so they can show you exactly what they are going to do.
After that, dentist uses markers to spot and mark the different parts of teeth that should be contoured whether from back of the teeth, the surface or side of the teeth.
Now comes the carving and cutting of the teeth. Here your dentist uses diamond burs, sandpaper discs and other sanding instruments to carve out the enamel of your teeth. They may use water to cool down the process and stop heat to bother you. Finally, dentist uses polishing instruments to give a shiny and bright look to your teeth.
Can teeth reshaping shorten or lengthen my teeth?
Cosmetic contouring not only straightens smile line and teeth, it also reshapes your teeth in a way that small or big teeth can be corrected. Cosmetic contouring can use composite resin bonding to mask the thin and small teeth to appear bigger and it also carves and contours those bigger teeth especially your front teeth to look balanced and keeps the harmony of your teeth.
Tips after teeth reshaping procedure
- Don’t worry about sensitivity. It will disappear a day or two after your cosmetic contouring.
- If you feel that teeth sensitivity gives you discomfort and doesn’t stop, dentists use fluoride and prescribe desensitizing toothpastes to stop your hypersensitivity
- If dentist uses composite resin to bond and fill the grooves of your teeth during your teeth reshaping procedure, regular gentle toothbrushing is needed and high-sugar diets should be avoided
- No chewing on hard object or tooth grinding
- Try to be gentle with your teeth, care more as you did before and enjoy your newly-created attractive smile.