If you are scheduling your dental implant surgery, then having a bit of nervousness is normal. And that is why you are here. Dental implants are the metal based substitute of the real teeth that can be placed surgically in the empty socket and help you improve the functionality of your teeth and the quality of life. When you are getting dental implants, most of the time the procedure is successful. However, in 5-10% of cases, the results are not as expected as you think.

Dental Implants and Its Success

When you are getting dental implants in Charlotte NC, obviously you think of how successful the procedure will be for you. There are several factors that play a pivotal role in determining the success of dental implants for each patient. These factors include:

  • Gum Disease

When you are getting dental implants, having a healthy jaw is a big criterion. But if you are suffering from any recurring gum disease then your gum and jawbones are mostly likely to be damaged. And that is why an untreated infection in your gum can be a big reason for the failure of your dental implants. If you have any issues with gum, make sure it gets treated by the oral surgeon.

  • Smoking

Smoking is also another big reason why dental implants fail. It restricts blood flow in the gum which restricts the healing process after the surgery. However, if you are a smoker, it will not stop you from getting implants. Make sure when you are getting single or full mouth dental implants, you stop smoking at least one week before the surgery and don’t smoke after the procedure for at least two months.

  • Insufficient Jaw Bone

A healthy jaw bone is a prerequisite to having proper dental implants. If the patient is suffering from osteoporosis, then it is most likely to affect the jaw bone as well. Hence, consulting and getting a proper checkup before the procedure is necessary.

  • Medical Condition

There are certain medical conditions that will prevent healing your body. When you are getting dental implants, you need to heal fast. But conditions like diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis can be harmful to your healing. In such cases, there will be chances of dental implant procedure to fail.

  • Inexperienced Surgeon

When you are searching for dental implants near me, you need to look for the right experienced surgeon for the procedure. An experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon will know how to deal with supporting the implants. Also, if there is any iatrogenic trauma, they can take immediate action. But an inexperienced doctor will not be able to do it all.

So, keeping these factors in mind, you might face early or late dental implant failures. Even though they are unlikely, going for the procedure will require you to know about them too.

Early Dental Implants Failure

The complications that arise shortly after the procedure are called early dental implants failure. These complications can include:

  • Developing infection around the implant site. It can happen when you are smoking or if you are not maintaining oral hygiene.
  • Occurrence of implant micro-movement can be there too. Generally, the artificial tooth is attached when the implant is set in the jaw. But if the surgeon attaches it too soon, it might not be stable resulting in micro-movement
  •  Not getting enough support from the jaw bone. That is why getting bone grafting is often suggested.
  • Having an allergy to titanium alloy can cause swelling, loss of taste, and tingling sensation.

Late Issues from Dental Implants

Several months after getting the dental implants, the following problems can present themselves.

  • Nerve or tissue damage during the procedure resulting in numbness and tingling in lips, tongue, gum or face.
  • If the implant in the upper jaw is protruding into the sinus cavity
  • Any injury around the area of the implant due to impact on the face
  • Rare cases of rejection of foreign element by the body

While you are searching for oral surgeon near me, make sure you are getting consultation even after the procedure is done to ensure that your dental implant surgery is successful.

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