Author: kidodent

Dental bonding is a term that is used for variety of adhesive restorative approaches in dental field. Adhesion means binding two things together. Dental bonding means using bonding systems and different materials in restoration of teeth. When dental materials are strongly bonded to both enamel and dentin (these are structures of teeth), bacteria can’t penetrate the restorations and dental decay will not happen. Dental bonding is the fastest way to reach the esthetic result of your teeth. Restoration involves the material for restoration, the kind of adhesive and the techniques of application. It is important to know that chemical bonding…

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When the major oral health problem is tooth decay, you can expect that dental filling to treat and restore decay becomes the common dental treatment. Dental filling treats teeth by filling the cavity with suitable filling materials. Patients want their filling material to be safe in its biomaterial aspect. Biomaterial means the interaction between the filling material and the living structures in the human body. To choose the materials for their fillings, people also want the best function and esthetics for their dental fillings. White or tooth-colored filling materials have gained popularity. On the other side, people also look for…

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There are many causes of trauma or injuries to teeth that range from accidents and falls to injuries during sports activities. Children with chronic seizures or children who experience child abuse are also at risk of getting their teeth injured. Dental injury management is also a helpful part of preventing teeth from getting injured if we know the common causes and situations in that damages occur. First, dentists’ examination? A complete history of the patient’s injury is necessary to make suitable treatment and diagnosis. The dentist should know how the injury has occurred in order to refer the patient to…

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A root canal is a treatment to save an infected or damaged tooth. When a tooth is endodontically (interior structure of a tooth) in a bad situation, the pulp, the vital part of teeth made up of living tissues, can be infected or damaged. This pulp damage needs endodontic treatment, also known as dental root canal treatment, to restore the health of the tooth. When do you need a root canal? It may be difficult to know if you need a root canal treatment or not. But you will not have any doubt once you talk to your dentist about…

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Canker sores are small painful wounds in the mouth and on soft tissues. These ulcers are usually found inside your mouth. The wounds can be on or under the tongue, the inner parts of cheeks or lips, or on the gums. The wounds can resolve on their own or appear again. You will better understand the causes, symptoms, and home or office treatments of canker sores in the following passages. What are the different types of canker sores? Canker sores are categorized into 2 types: Causes of canker sores Generally, it is not so clear to detect the exact cause…

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Maybe you have heard the saying “You are what you eat” so you need to know that one of the basics of oral health is eating the right foods and avoiding foods that are not healthy for the teeth. What you will read here in this article is to know about beverages, foods, and other eating habits that can harm both children’s and adults’ teeth. Without any more explanations, on to the 8 harmful foods drinks damage teeth : Soda, the first and the worst enemy of the teeth Soda, energy drinks, and other beverages containing high sugar and additives…

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There are common dental problems that can affect the future dental health of your child, ranging from tooth decay and bad breath to prolonged thumb sucking. Parents should realize the importance of dental health and proper oral care to prevent major dental issues later. A simple case of tooth decay can eventually penetrate deep into the child’s teeth, causing infection or the loss of the tooth. On the other hand, thumb sucking habit can change a child’s normal teeth and jaw pain development. Here are the most common dental problems that can occur in children: Tooth decay Tooth decay is…

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Removable orthodontic clear aligners, also called Removable braces, are appliances for straightening our teeth, which can be removed during brushing or eating. You don’t need to wear them all the time during the entire treatment period. These orthodontic appliances are fabricated in clear or plastic form. They are shaped like mouthguards but can treat discrepancies in teeth. Common removable orthodontic appliances Most removable orthodontic aligner appliances are custom-made and tight-fitted on the teeth. They are used for teeth straightening treatment to get a perfect orthodontics outcome achievement. After the orthodontic treatment, we need appliances to prevent misalignment of the teeth.…

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Cleft lip and cleft palate are two birth defects that affect the orofacial balance, the appearance and cause speech, feeding, and dental problems for children. In this article, a comprehensive explanation of these 2 defects and the treatment strategies are discussed. The emphasis is on orthodontic treatment to correct dental and jaw deformities after restorative, surgical procedures of lip and palate. How does cleft palate or lip occur? During the 6 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, the bones and tissues of the upper jaw, nose, and mouth develop in a way to fuse together to form the roof of the…

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Xylitol is a 5-carbonate sugar that is effective in reducing tooth decay and remineralization of the teeth. This substance is naturally found in fruits like plums, strawberries and vegetables including cauliflower and mushrooms. It can also be extracted from beech and birch trees. Teeth health and the xylitol effectiveness Xylitol has a sweet taste, but it doesn’t convert to acid-causing bacteria in the mouth. It is a natural sweetener and approved by FDA and ADA in that it reduces tooth decay. It can be similar to sucrose in its sweet taste, but the amount of calories is 33% lower. So,…

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